Creative Courage

After a rubbish day with my sorry swollen face and infected tooth I was very pleased when Manana Mama read my single post of the day, left a comment and revealed that she had also nominated me for an award. I am so happy to receive recognition from a blogger I so admire that if I could grin inanely I would. Ouch!

Manana Mama has the most wonderful photo heading her blog and every time I see it I think that I would like such a photo of Esther one day.

To the award …

The Kreativ Blogger Award

… an award with rules!

1) Link to 10 blogs
2) Tell these bloggers about the award
3) Share 10 facts about myself (without repeating the 7 facts I revealed here!)

So here goes …

1) I do not drink alcohol. I just do not like the taste of it. I have a Baileys hot chocolate once in a while but that is as far as it goes. I often think “I would like to get a bit tipsy tonight” but I never do, but I sometimes wish I did.

2) I am a terrible worrier. I am always worried about what people think of me. What people think of how I do things. It can be quite debilitating sometimes but I cannot help it. I want people to think that I am good at what I do. I care too much.

3) I find it very hard to make and keep friends. I am not very good at small talk or talking to people that I do not know. I think that often I come across as rude but I am not. I just cannot find anything to say that doesn’t seem awkward or silly.

4) I love swimming. I grew up in Cyprus and so became a good, strong swimmer when I was very young. I cannot wait to teach Esther and William to swim. I am lucky that David loves the water as much as me.

5) My dream job would be to be a part of a Theatre in Education company, though I also dream of owning a children’s bookshop that runs reading, writing and drama workshops.

6) I love breastfeeding! I am so proud that I have fed Esther and William so long. Esther also has some food but at almost 9 months William is still all milk! I love them both so much and will be sad when they don’t want to feed anymore.

7) I love singing hymns. We are having 7 at our wedding, all old favourites from primary school. I can’t wait. We want to give all the children at the ceremony instruments so that they can play along.

8) I never used to eat spicy foods and now David and I have chillies in our dinner everyday.

9) I love The West Wing. David and I watch all 7 series over and over again. It is so well written, well cast and well acted. Nothing else on telly compares. It is simply brilliant.

10) I do not really like flowers.

Okay, so that was me, now over to you and I apologise if you already have this award or wish not to receive it. These are 10 blogs I read and enjoy. 10 blogs I recommend to others. 10 creative bloggers!

“Another word for creativity is courage”

The Boy And Me
Not Even A Bag of Sugar
Maris World
Mummy Beadzoid
Ema Flutterby
A Scandinavian Sojourn
Suburban Mummy
Rambling Thoughts of Moon
Tillie’s World
Alyson’s Blog