Food for Thought

For weeks now our food bill has been growing and growing. We also seem to be wasting food as it goes out of date before we have time to use it. I have been very quick to blame Sainsburys’ selections as they deliver our shopping but I think that really I must take the blame. I consider myself to be a very good (sometimes outstanding!) primary school teacher and I know I am becoming an excellent Mum, what I know I am terrible at is being a housewife and a cook!

Before meeting David I could not cook at all and so managing a kitchen is not my forte to say the LEAST!

So, today is the day that I am making some changes. I am going to plan mealtimes for all the family and only buy the foods that we need to create those meals.

I am also going to arrange for our shopping to be delivered weekly rather than every 10 – 14 days.

I am going to trial this new system for 4 weeks to see if it makes a difference to the amount of money and food we seemingly waste.

Ordinarily food will be delivered on a Monday but this week it came on Tuesday and already we are off the plan!

Today was supposed to be seafood pasta but instead we have had fajitas and a lot of chocolate biscuits!

Back to the plan tomorrow, tomorrow is another day.

4 thoughts on “Food for Thought

  1. Oh my God, you and your fajitas!

    With a limited budget like we are both now on, you do need to be more careful with food and money. It’s also really important to prioritise and use up the fruit and veg before they turn completely. Have you got ice-cube trays to batch-cook and freeze portions of veg and fruit puree for Esther and William? That will save time and money. Stew! Soup! Your freezer!

  2. I hear you!! Though I’m not so much a rubbish cook just not inspired to cook. I keep considering signing myself up for some cookery lessons to try give me a bit of a kick up the bum but so far I haven’t!

    We throw away lots of food unnecessarily and I know that shopping to a meal plan really does work as I’ve done that in the past and I do intend on doing it again. Must also try online shopping to see if that saves me money, I’m terrible for buying those ‘special offers’ that we don’t need when I shop instore!

    Can’t wait to see how you get on 🙂

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