Matilda’s Memory Garden: Ideas

Ever since we first moved into this house in July I have loved the front garden.

I have talked before about how I want to use this space to create a memory garden for Matilda Mae.

It is a very small space but it has a lovely old stone wall and a beautiful tree.

We look out at this space every morning from our breakfast table.

I have always wanted Esther and William to have a playhouse there so that we could be visible in the garden to other villagers.

You never know, it might help us to make some friends.

I do not know yet where Esther and William will go to school.

But if they do attend the village school then I can imagine them bringing friends round for tea and this front garden space being where they might play.

Out the back we have half an acre, but that is Daddy’s domain, and he has grand plans for natural swimming pools and woodland adventure areas and a rather fantastic tree house with slide.

Out the front, in an area I have always felt might be mine, I want to create a place of colour and calm, where I can go and feel close to Tilda.

Where we can all go and be with her as much or as little as we need.

This little space of garden is about 6.5 metres by 6.5 metres.

It is really very small.

Just as Tilda was very small.

But I think it is a place that can be bright and colourful and that will draw people in.

Just like Matilda Mae.

So far I only have a very rough sketch of what I want to try and create.

I would like there to be a vegetable patch, a herb and edible flower garden, a more formal bed with the roses we have been given in Tilda’s memory, a wildflower meadow bed to attract butterflies and bees, a minibeast hotel, a mud kitchen and a play house.

I would like the beds to be raised, edged with bamboo if possible and linked with little paths and walk ways.

I have never done any gardening in my life before so have no idea where to begin or if my ideas are even possible?

I am hoping that my friends and family will be able to help me realise my dreams and make this happen for Baby Tilda Mae.

For Esther and William I love this Gardeners’ Cottage from Plum Products. It is small but has a lovely trellis that we can go flowers up and has a nice potting bench. I think it suits our needs just perfectly.

Beside the house Esther and William are going to have a mud kitchen. This will not be included in the 6.5 metre square that we have but will sit just alongside, at the side of the house where there is not so much sun.

Play House

Mud Kitchen

I am planning this garden on Pinterest where I am collecting ideas for plants and for flowers. I am hoping to be able to have lots of purple and pink but I also want to attract wildlife and choose flowers with meaning. I love the idea of a butterfly garden and I also adore this idea for helping birds build colourful nests.

Rainbow Nesting

I want to make this garden a sensory garden for us all to enjoy and so plan to have colourful wondmills that spin in the wind, chimes that make noise with wind and with rain. I also want a garden that is heavy with scent, aroma that you can lose yourself in as you enjoy the garden and allow yourself to drift with your memories.

Rain Chime

And as the sun goes down and the sky turns black Matilda Mae will guide our way with these beautiful star cluster lanterns that will be scattered around the garden. Her beautiful starlight will always be there, guiding us home.


These are my ideas for Matilda Mae’s garden. Enough to keep me going for a little while I think.

Would love to know what you think of my plans.

18 thoughts on “Matilda’s Memory Garden: Ideas

  1. Your ideas are beautiful, I especially like the sound of the mud kitchen and the mud and water play area. I also really like that you want it to be an unpolished garden with wild elements such as the wild flowers. I’m sure it will turn out lovely and will be a beautiful space for you all to spend and enjoy time as a family as well as remember your gorgeous little girl. I’m really looking forward to see the final product. Another idea for sensory play: In a nature park in Germany (I grew up there), there was a short path that kids could walk along barefooted. It was filled with different materials (pebbles, sand, bark, straw etc) – I loved it! x

  2. Jennie – it sounds the perfect place to sit & watch your twins enjoy themselves whilst also remember your gorgeous little girl…. she will undoubtedly be there too! The twinkly lights sounds beautiful……You never fail to amaze me with your positiveness. Thinking of you everyday & sending big hugs. I too love the idea of the mud pie station & would love to get one of these in my garden……searching on google now x

  3. Hi Jennie, it all sounds so lovely! A beautiful place to remember Matilda, and a fun place for Esther and William to play. I’m around the corner from you, and think of you all as I go past. I can imagine you’re going to turn it into a wonderful garden x

  4. Gorgeous ideas, the mini beast hotel and the mud pie station are great. All the rain and wind chimes will create such peaceful sounds. I am sure MM will be there with you.

  5. Sounds beautiful. i love gardening Jennie so if you ever needed some hands on help I would love to come and lend a hand. What about lavendar edging, buddleia for the butterflies & Daphne for beautiful winter scent. Tilda will love it. Xx

  6. Jennie your ideas sound wonderful and i love the idea of the mud pie station and also that you will have a mini beast hotel and flowers etc to attract wildlife its just wonderful. the play house idea is fantastic. the idea with the stars at night is beautiful i am sure that Matlida Mae will be with you and will love what you are creating a beautiful place were you can remember Matilda Mae and also a place Esther and William can play xxx

  7. I love the randomness of the internet. I found your blog following links in search of ideas for a mud kitchen I want to build.
    I love you ideas for your memory garden, my class loved making the wool basket to help the birds build nests.
    We are building our mud kitchen when the snow stops!

    I have spent the last 2 weeks reading your blog, I wanted to know why you needed a memory garden.

    You write beautifully and passionately and your loss has touched me, as so many others. I too hugged my sons a little harder and longer, despite them both being 6′ 4″, they are still my babies.

    Yesterday I lit 2 candles as I visited the beautiful St. Anne’s church in city centre Manchester. I lit them for your beautiful twins. Many, many years ago I had to help my very young sons understand the concept of death. It is a long journey, but your family will travel it together, and survive together.

  8. Pingback: Matilda Mae’s Memory Garden: 9 Months On | Edspire

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