Part of Me (This is how it feels to be me)

I feel like I am at the bottom of a dark, damp pit

There is no light to be seen

There is no way out

Part of me is desperate for an escape route

Part of me wants never to be found

I feel like I am facing a lion

Hungry, ready to tear me to shreds

A part of me wants to be beaten, eaten

A part of me wants to fight, and win.

I feel all alone on a shipwreck

Rising waters all around

Storm winds whipping up the seas

Part of me is searching the horizon for hope

Part of me is longing to drown.

I feel like I am on a bridge

Standing tall above a raging river

Part of me wants to stand on a warm summers evening

Enjoying the view

Part of me wants to jump on an icy cold night

To be carried away to a place where I can’t care anymore.

I feel like I am at the end of a bottle of vodka

Not knowing whether to giggle hysterically

Or collapse in a heap and cry

I feel like I am at the top of a mountain

I have reached the summit the most challenging way

Part of me wants to amble back down

Part of me wants to throw myself off

Feel my body smash against the ground.

I feel like I am hiding in a wooden box

Being stowed away to sea

Part of me imagines I am headed for adventure

Part of me imagines staying trapped forever

Part of me yearns for comfort

Part of me needs to feel pain

My heart is poisoned with anger

My mind is laden with hate

I feel like I am all alone

At a junction with roads to choose

I don’t know which way to turn

The obstacles I least expect to obstruct me do

The people I least expect to hurt me … do

I feel like I am forever walking

Barefoot on stony ground

I feel like I am crying out

Yet no one can hear my voice

Or if they do

They know not what I am saying.

I feel like I am drowning

And that I might fight the one who tries to save me

I might reject the rescue efforts

To save my tortured soul.

Because drowning would be easy.

Jumping just too simple.

Hiding all too safe.

If it were only for me the choice would be too easy.

I would know exactly the path to take.

But I am a mother of three children.

A wife to a wonderful one.

And I am blessed that they live on.

But it does not in any way make up for the loss of the third.

It does not ease my pain or take my hurt away.

I am raging inside.

A part of me has died forever.

A part of me can be no more.

Not ever!

So life is not ever going to get easier.

I must make the difficult decisions

Live on for the ones I love

And hope that what I do from this day will somehow be right

And one day I will see my daughter again

Because only then

Will the hole in my heart be healed

Only then will the light start shining

Only then will I take the hand that saves me from the deepest of seas

Because that part of me will make me whole again

She will make me whole again

This is how it feels to be me x

18 thoughts on “Part of Me (This is how it feels to be me)

  1. Tears. πŸ™ I wish you had your Tilda Mae with you. I pray she comes to meet you when you pass over many years from now, when it will feel like no time has passed since you parted, and that she crawls into your arms for a cuddle and at the same time (because of course such things are possible in the afterlife where no time exists!) shows you how she grew in another dimension the way she would have grown on Earth….I pray you have to chance to see every second of what would have been her life, in the blink of an eye and that you feel complete and light and love, and…. happy again. I wish this for you so hard. x x x

  2. I wish I knew what to say but I don’t. And I don’t know how you carry on but I know it’s what Matilda wants. Where she is now – she wants you to carry on. Sending much love xxx

  3. We will try and shine a glimmer of light
    We will try and help you have the courage to fight
    We will try and guide you on this rocky road
    We will listen when you need to offload

    When you feel like you are sailing into a storm
    We can wrap round you to keep you warm
    When the raging waters destroy your boat
    We can be the raft that keeps you afloat

    We can be the tonic to balance the vodka drink
    We can be your lifebuoy when you feel yourself sink
    When your head feels like it’s going to explode
    We will all listen and help burden the load

    When you are wavering on the mountain peak high
    We will all listen and hear you cry
    We will give you shelter until you can turn round
    And we will all help you down to safer ground

    Lots of love Jennie xx

  4. I don’t know what to say but whenever I read a post of yours, especially one like this, I can never ever read and run. I can’t even begin to imagine how much each day, each hour, each minute and each second is a painful battle for you but I understand it is and anyone who can’t see that is mad. We all care for you and are here for you, even when our day to day lives take over. I just wish I lived closer xx

  5. F*ck you SIDS you bring so much pain! I wish I could take it away from you, I wish baby Tilda could come back to you. Until you meet again, keep looking at those wonderful pictures of that beautiful girl. xxx

  6. I lost a loved one last year and it devastated me. Our priest said something that helps me get through the very long days. He said, “She is only a few steps ahead of you in this journey.” I find that to be much more comforting than even thinking that I’ll see her again someday…. she’s just out of my sight, a few steps ahead. We don’t ever “get over” losing a loved one, all we can do is make peace with it in our hearts. Your darling, precious Matilda Mae is there, just out of sight. God bless you and may he grant you strength.

  7. Absolutely stunning, brave and honest writing!
    All I can do is pray and offer you a (virtual) hand in the dark turmoil for you to reach out to as and when you feel it would help. See you on Friday.

  8. That part of you that has died…it’s not forever, as it feels now.
    That part of you can and will live again. It just feels like it never can at this point in your grieving journey. Gradually, your heart will come to be at peace that Matilda is where she is meant to be on her journey.

    You will, once again, be silly and hopeful and crazy and giggly and filled with fun and wonder and awe and joy. I promise. It just takes time and kindness to yourself.

    When we are babies in our mothers’ wombs, that is our world! We grow, we get hiccups, and I’m sure we get discomfort at times as babies in the womb, but we have no idea that we are about to be born into a world so massive compared to our mother’s womb. We think our mother’s womb is our whole world! Well I think this world is another huge transparent womb… we’re all living in this world with no idea what massive beautiful world lies ahead for our spirits. And when we get there we’ll have such wonderful hindsight we’ll say, “if only we knew, how we would have relaxed” πŸ™‚

    Wishing you all the love in this world to help you relax and fathom the next xxx

  9. Oh Jennie this was such a hard read, I hate the pain you are going through every moment, I wish there was something I (we) could all do to help you. Just know we are all here to support you x

  10. Holding you and your angel baby in my thoughts, prayers, virtual hugs and heart every day until you are together again xxxx

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