Finoak Construction Centre: A Review

For the last few weeks we have been testing a table.

Except it is so much more than a table.

It is a construction centre.

An activity table and a toy organiser.

It is a stunning piece of furniture.

An asset to our playroom.

It can be anything and everything that we want it to be.

When the Construction Centre arrived from Finoak it was well packaged and delivered with care.

We had great fun unpacking the table and Daddy found it quick and easy to put together.

The table and the drawers can be used separately or together as one unit.

At the moment we are using them together but we have plans in the future to take the drawers out as this will enable us to store larger things below the table and use both levels for play. This piece of playroom furniture from Finoak has filled us with ideas for play.

I cannot describe the Construction Centre any better than it is described here, what I can do is tell you how we are using it and how it has changed the way we play and the way we store the things we play with.

Esther and William love the table. It is a little high for them just at the moment but it is great for having a train track round the edge and has been perfect for setting the Trix Trax up on.

The smooth, flat surface of the table is great for building on and for having track and roads upon. The surface is actually a blackboard so provides an opportunity for children to doodle or to create real 2D landscapes to build on, play on and for toys to enjoy.

We have enjoyed using the table for playdough play and for creating shapes against. I am writing a separate post about this.

David is keen to try using the centre as an animation studio for 2D animations based on our play dough session.

The possibilities from this one piece of furniture are really quite exciting.

Beneath the blackboard table there are 6 storage drawers.

The drawers are large and each draw comes with a range of plastic containers designed for storing small toys.

We have one draw filled with Duplo, one draw filled with wooden building blocks, one draw filled with messy play and arts and crafts materials. I have filled tubs with beads and buttons for threading. I have also given all of our letters, sounds and phonics resources a home.

At the moment Esther and William are not allowed into the drawers. Until I have taught them my system the drawers are Mummy’s domain!

Above the table there is a wooden frame which can be used for hanging things from. At Christmas I am going to have fairy lights strung all around it to enhance our festive play.

We used the frame to drape webbing from at Halloween and it can be used to really enhance creative and sensory play.

The Construction Centre from Finoak is a stunning piece of furniture. It facilitates so many opportunities for play. It is a great way of storing toys with lots of small parts.

I have lots to tell you about this activity table and toy organiser over the coming weeks so please watch out for it in future posts.

This is not a cheap item of play furniture but it provides excellent value for money and is a real investment piece that will grow with your family.

I think it is very special.

I cannot wait to tell you more about it.

We have been given one of these construction centres from Finoak in return for a series of honest reviews for it’s use with a young family.

6 thoughts on “Finoak Construction Centre: A Review

  1. Gosh we so could do with one, it has so many uses and I just love the idea of having everything stored in the drawers below.
    I wonder if it comes with keys to keep little hands out of the arts and crafts bits.
    It really does look amazing x

  2. Wow, that’s brilliant! I wish I had the space and money! Love the hanging rails at the top. They will be fab for creating scenes with things that fly for transport or bugs/birds topics, and lovely for Christmas with fairy lights as you say. Can’t wait to see what you get up to! I am also in awe of your neat and tidy systems! hope they last! 🙂 Have fun! Xx

  3. Oh wow what a versatile piece of furniture, this sort of thing would be great in schools too, you get some sort of hooks, pegs for the top to hang their artwork etc on too. Must be so great having a playroom-my lounge looks like one constantly! xx

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