We Don’t Know What The Body Count Is Yet

‘We don’t know what the body count is yet’

This quote from The West Wing is playing heavily on my mind at the moment.

People think that life is getting better for us now.

The more that time marches on the better we must be.

Time is a healer, so they say.

But for me, for us, I think some of our darkest days may still be to come

We do not know what they body count is yet

When a baby dies

Your world changes forever

You change forever

How you view the world and people in it changes forever

There is no going back after a baby has died

You cannot make things right again

There is just no way

No matter how many people wish it could be so

Instead you plod on slowly

Forwards into the unknown

You have days when you believe you might be okay

And days when you are floored by fear and hatred, anger and sadness

There are days when you question your relationships

Some friendships strengthen

Others fall away

Some family bonds are damaged

Others made stronger as the time passes

No one truly understands how you feel

Only a few are even willing to try

People make concessions for a little while

But they soon forget as their own happy, busy lives rush on

Meanwhile we are still reeling

Fights and arguments over silly things

Emotional outbursts by day

Terrifying dreams at night

Toddlers scared that they they too will go away

That we might go away and never come back

A family trying to function without it’s heart

Panic attacks, tantrums, struggling to breathe

Up in the night with a terrified son

Wondering if he will be the next one

We don’t know what the body count is yet

One 9 month old baby

Fell asleep and died

One newly conceived baby

Also gone to the sky

Too much pain and anger

Too much fear and rage

For a mother and father to cope with

Let alone toddlers of their age

Who knows what the damage will be

The total repercussions caused by death

How much counselling, therapy, play

What will it take to get through each day

Time is not a healer

Not in this case

We are finding new hurting

With each new day

Another event to get through

Without our baby girl

Separation anxiety

Fear of being alone

Scared of being the next one

Frightened people will die and be gone

On the outside we are all coping

We laugh we smile we play

But all of us are struggling

To make it through some days

All of us are struggling

To sleep well in bed at night

Time is not a healer

When a baby dies

The future is uncertain

How will we turn out to be?

Can we survive this all together?

Will one of us turn and flee?

Can we keep hold of the friendships?

That we so desperately need

Or is it best to let them go

If they cannot understand how we feel?

Every day brings questions

Brings problems and challenges new

And sometimes when your baby has died

You just don’t know what to do

You end up standing silent

Tears rolling down your face

You look at the people around you

And wonder would they cope in my place?

You want to scream and shout and rage

I am hurting, so badly

It does not go away

We are hurting

Our family five

Especially the ones

That are still alive

We are hurting, we are crying

We’ve all died a little inside

Time is not healing our pain away

It just makes it easier for us to hide

Easier for us to stay away

Keep ourselves to ourselves, together

Because we are all that we truly now have

We must protect one another forever

I think we have done the best we can to protect

Our children, our family, our friends

But it keeps going round and round in my mind

We don’t know the body count yet.

11 thoughts on “We Don’t Know What The Body Count Is Yet

  1. I just don’t know what to say, but I couldn’t pass by without saying something. I check your blog every day. Sometimes someone will look at my screen over my shoulder and without exception all will say, “what a beautiful baby, who is she?” and I tell them her story. I see things in the shops decorated with stars and I think of Matilda Mae. Sometimes I light a candle for your family. I can’t be the only one who cares silently. Who has never met you but who cares. Matilda Mae has touched many more hearts than you might imagine. You are all held in many people’s hearts Jennie. (((((hugs)))))

  2. I’ve no idea if you have had this already/if you even want to, but do they do a grief counselling for the whole family anywhere near you? It’s horrible to think that the twins are worried that they will go too, must be so heartbreaking for you and David to see. Thinking of you xx

  3. It must be utterly heart breaking when you can see the effects on the twins. Sending lots of love and hugs, I know, useless to the situation but know that people are thinking of you and the whole family xxx

  4. This is such a powerful sad post. The impact on the twins must be heartbreaking to deal with never mind your own grief. I don’t know what to say, Jennie, to make it better. I know I can’t say anything. I know that the only thing that would make it better is to have Tilda back in your arms again. I also know that behind every smile, every email, every tweet you are in searing pain and it pains me to know what you have been through and what you have yet to face. All I can do is send my love to you. Now and always xx

  5. I doubt many people would be coping in your place. You really are doing the best you can in the face of such heartbreak. I cannot imagine how horrendous it must be to see the twins frightened and confused, on top of your own pain.

    You don’t have to do anything to keep my friendship. I know can’t possibly understand what you are going through, and I know I sometimes do or say the wrong thing. But I hope that at least by saying and doing something, you know I’m here and always thinking of you, and all 3 of your beautiful children. Love always xxx

  6. I cannot even begin to imagine how utterly awful you must feel, every day. Your words give a sense of it, and my heart breaks for you – for all of you, but we cannot truly know. You are doing an amazing job helping the twins to cope but it is impossible to protect them completely. Have you considered one of the charity’s like Winstons’ Wish that help bereaved children? Time will not heal the loss, you will feel it every day – how could you not? But I hope that you will somehow find a way to live with the new reality you have been thrown into, without it hurting quite so much – and this is what time will hopefully eventually help with. But it is such early days – and you have all the ‘firsts’ to contend with in the coming weeks and months. One breath at a time is all you can do. My heartfelt hugs xx

  7. Time is not a healer, time lots of time is maybe a diluter, but not yet maybe not ever.
    She is gone and that’s so wrong.
    The only thing I do know that through what you are doing the body count is reducing.
    You are saving lives with the money and awareness you are raising.
    Maybe we will never know the impact Matida Mae has had.
    But you are amazing you are using your grief for the greater good, and as painful and as hard as that is, you are doing great things, not in spite of grief, but because of it.
    And that’s a very powerful thing.

  8. I always begin my comments saying “I cannot imagine..” and I can’t. It’s just a given.

    What I do know is that you are passing on your strength, character and love to your children. They will ALWAYS know and love Matilda Mae, and they will claw their strength from you both xxx

  9. I have no words Jennie. I always say ‘I can’t imagine…’ because you can’t physically begin to even comprehend or understand. But I couldn’t read this post and not say that Matilda Mae has affected me more than I ever thought so. We have only met a few times but your story is one that has made me question so many things about the world and my parenting. I can’t begin to even slightly imagine what it is like for you, and your family, and how you begin to carry on with life with all those feelings, worries and memories. This comment is rambling and not making sense. But I just couldn’t read this and then not tell you how much I think of you. Which is probably not comforting in the slightest but I know so many that do too. x

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