Lucy Locket A Treasure Chest For The Imagination

This year Esther and William have discovered dressing up

Before they have always been dressed

Now they do it themselves

They have a box of clothes and accessories

That allows them to dress for any adventure or occasion they please

Our latest additions to the box

Are a rather splendid unicorn hat

And a fantastic dinosaur cape


Unicorns and dinosaurs are Esther and William’s favourite things at the moment

They love fantasy adventures and imaginary play

They adore magical story books and the mystical tales their Daddy tells

They are at that wonderful age where they are beginning to act out their imaginations

Their role play opens up a window to their world

And the floodgates to their fantasies

It is an honour and a privilege to watch them play

And even more so to be invited to join in

fantasy friends

I try not to interfere too much when they are playing together

But I do try to inspire new ideas and stories

This Christmas two red cloaks will be added to their box

Perhaps they will become Red Riding Hood, Snow White or a wicked queen

Esther is getting Frozen inspired dresses this Christmas

As well as a stage / dressing up cupboard

To give them both a space to perform their plays

At the moment they act out their dramas

Anywhere and everywhere

And sometimes they wear costume just because they can

And I adore that about them


The unicorn hat and dinosaur cape have quickly become favourites

In our playroom

Esther adores her beautiful hat

She is starting to be quite a girly girl

So she loves the pinks and purples

The shiny satin and the sparkling jewels

She was a very proud little girl

Wearing her unicorn hat to non uniform day

And it being admired and coveted by lots of the older girls

unicorn love

When we found out about non uniform day

There was never any doubt in their minds about what they would wear

Esther would be a unicorn

And William a dinosaur

They thought it was wonderful

And I did too!

non uniform day

They wear their costumes every where

To their special rocks on Tilda’s special beach

To play at home and in the garden

To school

Both items are really lovely

Beautifully made with special little details

The padded satin unicorn hat

Has gem stones and feathers

A pink horn and purple eyes and ears

Adorned with jewels for extra magical sparkle

The dinosaur cape is shiny

The padded spikes and tail are great fun

The horn is wonderful

And the big scary dinosaur eyes are too

William immediately starts stomping as soon as he has it on

The unicorn hat costs £17 and the dinosaur cape is £25

I think that they are both great value for money

They make us smile and inspire lots of new ways to play

They would make wonderful birthday presents or Christmas gifts


Lucy Locket is a treasure chest for little people

For parents looking to inspire imaginative play

Wings, wands, tiaras

Masks, hats and capes

Pirates and princesses

Ladybirds and bees

Lucy Locket has something for everyone

Buy something for your little one

Inspire their imagination!

If you are a dreamer, come in
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar
A hoper, a pray-er, a magic-bean-buyer
If you’re a pretender come sit by my fire
For we have some flax golden tales to spin
Come in!
Come in!
Shel Silverstein

If you would like to buy something from Lucy Locket for Christmas, first class postage orders end on the 19th December and Next Day Delivery Orders on the 23rd

We were sent one unicorn hat and one dinosaur cape for the purpose of this review

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