Dear Bea

Beatrice Hope

Such a carefully chosen name

Never used

You are Bea

Or Beebot


You are Baba


bea funny

Beatrice Hope

Everything we dreamed you would be

Everything we needed you to be

And more

So like Tilda

So like Esther

So like William

So like you

You are you

Only you

Just you

Spotty Botty

Spot Bot Bea

octopus garden

At 16 and a half months old

You are a wonder

A delight

A bringer of joy

Beatrice Hope

Living up to the meaning of your name

Our bringer of hope and joy

1 bea

Your smile is infectious and everlasting

You are always grinning from ear to ear

Always giggling for all to hear

Constantly chatting

With your ever growing vocabulary

Bubble, hammer, teletubbies, baba, daddy

Numnum, Mummoo!

gingerbread twins

You can say so many words

And are starting to put phrases together

You are not just walking

But running and jumping

Dancing to every hint of a tune

You can confidently feed yourself with a spoon

Have a mouth full of teeth

You love soft play and sliding on slides

You love the garden and being outside

You love to draw and pretend to write

balloon bea

You love to help with washing machine and dishwasher work

You eat all foods

Love muffins and cake

You understand so much

Can do so much

You love books and stories

Television and songs

You love owls and dogs

And cuddly toys

You love cuddles

And climbing on to everyone’s laps

2015-12-10 11.08.37

You find the magic in everything

Bring out the best in everyone

Bright as a button

Cheeky as a monkey

Busy as a bee

iggle piggle

But at the end of every day

You snuggle in my arms

Feeding and sleeping

The weight of you

The softness of you

The warmth of you

Such beauty

Such love

How I adore you

We adore you

We all adore you

We love you

our bea

Our Bea

Our beautiful Bea

Our rainbow baby

Beatrice Hope

raising rainbow big

6 thoughts on “Dear Bea

  1. My goodness, how she has grown! What an absolute cutie, part of all of you and Matilda. She is a credit to you all and how hard you have all had to work to get to this point.
    May she continue to bring you Joy and Hope.


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