2020 The Year We Get Esther The Help She Needs

Tomorrow we are at the hospital with Esther

A routine appointment

When Esther was six years old

I noticed that her body was beginning to change

This was around the same time I became certain

That Esther was dyslexic

Lots of things about Esther were worrying me

I went to the GP and asked for a paediatric referral

The appointment we needed took a considerable time to come through

Esther was seven by the time she was seen

We were worried that she had precocious puberty

This is more common in children born prematurely

Esther and William were born at 27 weeks

So we had genuine cause for concern

The specialist consultant was wonderful

She was kind and caring with Esther

Efficient and thorough

Esther had to undergo a range of tests

Including hormone bloods, scans and a growth scan

We found out that Esther actually has something called

Premature Adrenarche

Adrenarche means “the awakening of the adrenal gland.” The adrenal gland is responsible for making hormones including androgens—sex hormones that cause changes such as the development of pubic hair, oily skin, oily hair and body odor. There is one adrenal gland on top of each kidney.

Esther obviously notices her body changing

And now that she is nine understands that this happens to everyone

But when she was six it was frightening

More so for me perhaps than her

Esther is incredibly brave

She takes things in her stride

She is sensible and considerate

She is not a person that panics

Like me

She is much more like her Daddy

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Esther is 8 years old and is a deep thinker. Rather like an owl baby, she thinks a lot. Esther has a lot going on in her little life. As well as dyslexia, Dyscalculia, dyspraxia and ADD she also has elements of precocious puberty all linked to her premature birth, we think. She is such a sweet girl, an amazing big sister and just a joy to be around but I think there is more to Esther than any of us know. She is not a talker like William, she is not emotional like William, she is calm. Over the last few nights as I go in to her room to say goodnight she has put this book in my hand and without conversation we have read a few pages. She asked to read the sections about hair and about spots. We always cuddle as we read and end our time with me asking if she has any questions and reassuring her that she can ask me anything at anytime and it will be okay. I feel like my biggest girl is at a stage in life where she really wants and needs her mummy and I am worried that I am unable to give enough because of having all the others to deal with at the same time. These snatched moments each evening are precious, I hope we can build on them. I want to be there for Esther, now and always. I want to be there for my beautiful girl to help her fly and catch her if she falls. My beautiful Esther Grace. #motherhood #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodrising #motheranddaughter @usborne_books #parenting #candidmotherhood #parentingtweens #treasureeverymoment #raisinggirls #motherofdaughters #motherofgirls #mydaughter

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Tomorrow the hospital will check that Esther’s development has not speeded up

We were all a bit worried when she shot up in height

But her growth seems to have stabilised now

Tomorrow I am going to be talking to the consultant about Esther in general

Esther has been diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalculia

The specialist who assessed Esther also thought that Esther may have

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and may be on the Autistic spectrum (ASD)

We are hoping that the hospital consultant will be able to refer us to an Educational Psychologist

To get Esther assessed and to help us put a plan in place for Esther’s education

And for her life

We need to know what support is available for our little girl going forward

And how we can best help her at home

I find Esther’s struggles heartbreaking

She is such a beautiful little girl

She has a wise and gentle soul

She is kind and caring and thoughtful

She loves helping others

She is patient

She is funny

She is the peacemaker among our children

And the one they all look up to

She often leads their play

But also likes to step back and enjoy quiet time

She loves drawing and fiddling with little toys

She has lots of collections of tiny treasures

She can often get lost in her world of imaginary play

She also loves messy and sensory play

Esther loves singing and has a lovely voice

She plays the piano but because of her needs finds it incredibly difficult

We are lucky to have found a teacher who is very patient

And happy to adapt normal teaching to help Esther’s confidence

They have adapted what they do together so that Esther is able to feel successful

It has been hard for me to accept that she does not learn at the rate that others do

She will probably never take a piano exam

She just has not got the focus and attention span

And she finds reading music very hard

We are hoping that by combining piano with singing

She will learn enough to accompany herself and others

Singing songs from musical theatre

Esther loves the theatre

She often says that she would like to be an actress

She is not a natural performer though I think with work she could be good on stage

If she can get over her awkward shyness

I take Esther to the theatre as much as I can as she loves to go

And learns so much from the experience

Esther has a really good long term memory

But a poor short term / working memory

She finds learning lines a challenge

Though she does it anyway

She is desperate to have a big part in a show!

Esther loves stories and poems

She loves Harry Potter

Esther finds reading very hard

She has a reading age of 10 which is amazing

Reading words is not her problem

It is focusing on what she is reading

For any length of time

She struggles with tracking so

She misses out words

She reads approximately what the text says rather than exactly what it says

She misses out lines

Rereads lines

She gets tired very easily

And it is just so very sad to see

As her comprehension is amazing

Her love of stories is so strong

She should be a voracious reader

Diving into new books and wandering through story after story

But she just cannot

And I worry for her and my heart hurts for her

Reading is such a gift and Esther very rarely chooses to read a book

She starts books and never finishes them

It is so sad

Esther has lovely neat writing

But she is a reluctant writer because she finds it so hard

She really struggles with spelling

And because she likes to be good and right

It really affects her confidence and her willingness to write

Even when you tell her not to worry about spellings

She still frets about every word

Esther loves to dance

She is rather clumsy and has to work very very hard at dancing

She cannot remember long sequences of steps

And she struggles to perform when not able to copy her teacher

Saying all of that

She has passed two ballet exams

Each with a Merit

She dances for hours each week in her own classes

And supporting the little ones in their classes

She is improving slowly and her determination to continue dancing and perform in shows

Is both breathtaking and inspiring

This little girl of mine is resilient

She is smashing glass ceilings every day

Born at 27 weeks she continues to fight every day

I could not adore my eldest daughter more than I do

This year is an important one for her

We have to think about her future

What is best for our daughter going forward

At the moment all our children are educated at home

We always thought that they would go to secondary school

But now we are not so sure

Esther has such a wide range of complex needs

I am not sure that school would be able to meet them

Her dyslexia assessment reports recommends that Esther have 25% extra time for all assessments

And has a scribe for written examinations

We have lots of thinking to do


And difficult decisions to make

At the moment though

Esther is refusing to think about secondary school

She is holding out for her letter from Hogwarts!

I am hoping that tomorrow’s hospital appointment

Will lead us to an Ed Psych evaluation

To confirm or rule out ADD and ASD

Attention Deficit is not a label I ever wanted Esther to have

But as she gets older

It is becoming more apparent

That she has many of the symptoms of this disorder (I hate that word)

She struggles to focus

Even on things that she loves

She is impulsive

She switches her train of thought suddenly and without warning

She changes conversation topics often and suddenly

She struggles with organisation

She dillies and dallies and daydreams

She loses time

I also see hints of ASD

It presents very differently in Esther than in William

I think because their personalities are very different

As much as anything else

But the traits are there

Over a year ago Esther and I decided together that we would share her journey

To try and help other families like ours

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Hello. My name is Jennie. Here I am with my eldest daughter, 8 year old Esther. Esther and I have been talking and we want to share a journey with you. Esther was born 3 months premature, along with her twin brother William. Born at 27 weeks and 3 days gestation. After 59 days in NICU and SCBU Esther and her brother came home. Every day they amazed us with their strength and resilience and their bravery. They survived, they are fighters. At 2 years old Esther and her brother were discharged from paediatric care as they were well above where they needed to be and hit all their milestones early or on time in spite of their prematurity. Esther and William are both incredibly bright and articulate, they are kind and caring and they read people and situations well. They both have their little quirks that make them super special. The effects of prematurity still continue to show themselves as Esther and William grow. Esther suffered convulsions as a young girl possibly linked to prematurity, she has aspects of precocious puberty again attributed to her early birth. Very recently Esther has been diagnosed with severe dyslexia meaning that though her IQ is in the top 4% of her age and her vocabulary is off the scale she really struggles with the mechanics of reading and writing. Her poor working memory makes it very hard for her to read and write as easily and effortlessly and efficiently as others. Esther’s dyslexia makes all the things she loves to do more difficult for her than for many of her peers. Along with confirmed severe dyslexia it is also possible that Esther has dyscalculia, aspects of dyspraxia, add and may also be on the autistic spectrum. We need to engage now with our GP to access an educational psychologist to work out how we can beat help Esther achieve her goals. She would like to be a vet when she is older. Esther has agreed that we are going to document our journey so that we might help other parents and children going through this. We are going to share what we do to ensure Esther can continue to learn piano and to make progress in her lessons. To help Esther be able to learn her ballet routines & perform them without having to watch her teacher

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But then we didn’t

I have been wondering if it is all too personal to share

But actually I think it is important

I think it so important for parents and children

Going through a journey like ours

To know that they are not alone

To know that what they are thinking others have thought before them

Battles they are fighting have been fought before

Lost and won

I know that it helps me to know that we are not entirely on our own

It has taken me this past year to be able to think rationally about Esther’s life

To allow panic to subside

To begin to put plans into place

To be told that your daughter will need one to one support at school

That she will not sit a traditional GCSE

But will need extra time and a scribe

It is really hard to hear and accept

To process

Things do start to click into place

I have begun to understand why Esther finds the piano so hard

Why no matter what chapter books I give her she will not read them

Why she listens to Harry Potter over and over and over again

Why she finds making and keeping friends so difficult

Why she is so clumsy and accident prone

Why she obsesses about things

But also

Why she is so incredibly good and patient with younger children

Why she is so good at seeing the bigger picture and solving problems

Why she is good at drawing and painting and designing yet finds writing such a struggle

We still all have lots to learn

Tomorrow is a time to ask questions

Hopefully get some answers

Choose a direction and start making some headway

To get the help, support, resources that our little girl needs

2020 will see Esther and William turn 10

Born at 27 weeks and about to turn 10

Just WOW!

Esther in NICU

A dancer, a singer, an artist

A sister, a daughter, a cousin, a friend

A reader, a writer

An animal lover

My hero

Our beautiful Esther Grace

This is your year x

2 thoughts on “2020 The Year We Get Esther The Help She Needs

  1. Thank you for this. Your honesty has touched me. As a Mum of a daughter with a ‘disorder’, who is so wonderful in my eyes in so many ways, and such hard work in others, but this label does not seem to fit. We have turned a corner this year with some wonderful support and it feels like I have been given permission to love my daughter again, not just to worry and wish things could be different

    • Oh Amy, thank you x I hope that we can get Esther the support she needs and the support we all need to do our best to help her. Worry takes over everything doesn’t it?

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