War Horse Picture Book

Ever since I was a child

A Forces child

I have loved war stories

I grew up reading Carrie’s War

The Machine Gunners

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit

I Am David and

The Silver Sword.

As a younger adult and as a teacher

I discovered Michael Morpurgo and fell in love with his storytelling

Especially his books centred around the world wars

Private Peaceful and War Horse being two of my absolute favourites

In December I also love his version of The Christmas Truce

The Best Christmas In The World

Esther, William and I also very much enjoyed

Eagle In The Snow

I cannot read any of these books without crying

Michael is a compelling storyteller

No one writes the war like Michael

No one creates characters as emotionally charged as Michael

No one can write the chaos, courage, fear, hope and heroism of the First World War

In quite the same way as Michael

Pairing Michael Morpurgo with illustrator Tom Clohosy Cole was a genius idea

And the results are breathtaking beautiful

Incredibly emotional and culminate in an utterly magical, sensitively designed

Unforgettable picture book

Filled with hope and love

The perfect remembrance story for 2020

This is not a picture book for young children

This is a brilliantly moving illustrated story for older children and adults

This is a powerful story

It has grabbed our hearts on the first read

William and I were both crying from the third double page spread

And I was reading through tears for the rest of the book

This is War Horse

A powerful heartwrenching story of friendship between a boy and his horse

Joey and Albert were like brothers, though human and horse. Albert is gutted when his father sells his horse to the army. Albert, though underage, enlists with the army to fight in France and vows to find Joey and bring him home.

We follow Albert through his training and his travels to France. We witness life in the trenches and snatch glimpses of the horror of life on the frontlines.

The illustrations are incredible. There is much to observe and discuss with layers of stories to unravel together to learn more about the First World War.

Joey is a war horse. Firstly a cavalry horse until his Captain is shot from his back. The war scenes are well done with shadows and colour making the images come alive. You can feel the fear and the speed of the horses.

Joey becomes an ambulance horse and makes a friend, Topthorn.

He never forgets Albert

Joey and Topthorn become gun horses

Topthorn becomes ill and is killed by a shell

This is an incredibly sad part of the story

Joey refuses to leave his fallen friend

He stays beside him as shells fall around

Until he is chased from the forest by tanks

Our hearts were pounding in the rhythm of galloping hooves

As Joey ran for his life until he could run no more and collapsed in No Man’s Land

Spotted by one young British soldier and one young German soldier

With white flags waving they meet in the middle

As Albert approaches the horse he already knows in his heart that it is his Joey

The tears were falling from William and I now in great abundance

As Albert called his Joey and his horse raised his weary head

The two friends

The two brothers

Were together again after all they had been through

But the German soldier

Having reached the horse first

Thought that he should claim the horse

Joey does, of course, go home with Albert

But what happened out there on No Man’s Land between two young boys from different sides?

I urge you to buy the book

Read this wonderful story and find out

It might just restore your faith in humanity at a time when we all need exactly that

This is a wonderful book for remembrance day

For all days

A book to remind us all of the animal and human heroes from the First World War

A reminder that we must never ever forget

We will not forget

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