8 Ways To Get Your Garden Winter Ready

When Baby Tilda died

I decided I wanted a garden

A Baby Tilda Garden

the garden

A quiet place

A pretty place

A predominantly pink and purple place

A place to feel close to my baby

winter garden

I thought then that I might become a gardener

A few months after Tilda’s death

Friends and family came together

And worked so hard

To make Tilda’s garden happen

They brought my scribbled plans

To fruition

It really is a pretty little garden

A space to be close to Tilda

A place to play

memory garden

In February it will be 5 years since Tilda died

I never did become a gardener

Granny does all the work in Tilda’s garden

She cares for it

Tends to it

Plants it and weeds it

She keeps it going

Keeps it beautiful

I love the days when Granny comes over

And looks after our garden

Because it feels like she is looking after Tilda

My plan in 2018 is to spend more time in the garden with Granny

Because I want to learn from her

I think gardening might be good for me

I am really struggling mentally and emotionally

And I think getting my hands dirty

Doing something for Tilda

Might just do me good

At the moment for me

Getting Tilda’s garden ready for winter looks like this

2017-12-12 14.19.08 HDR-2

2017-12-12 14.19.03-2

2017-12-12 14.18.45 HDR-3

2017-12-12 14.18.18 HDR-2

2017-12-12 14.18.11 HDR-2

I know that really I should be doing things like this

8 Ways To Get Your Garden Winter Ready

1. Clear up all the leaves and debris once the trees are bare.

2. Give the drive, paths and patio a thorough clean with a stiff brush and some soapy water or give it a blast with a pressure washer.

3. Tidy borders by cutting back plants and removing any dead foliage, leaves and weeds.

4. Add compost and / or new top soil to raised beds to ready them for spring

5. Trim the hedges

6. Mow the lawn

7. Protect fragile plants from frost by moving inside or wrapping them

8. Plant spring bulbs

Now you are ready to enjoy your winter garden


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One thought on “8 Ways To Get Your Garden Winter Ready

  1. You’ve created a fantastic garden one which Tilda would have loved, you should be proud of yourself and your Granny. I’m sorry for you loss.

    I do love your planters, I love that they are unique in shape, they aren’t your typical square or rectangle.

    You’ve given me some inspiration, Thank you.

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